Althoff Industries, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Solar’

When Will You Need to Replace Your Commercial Solar Panels?

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

As a business owner, investing in commercial solar installation in Chicago, IL is a significant and savvy decision. Solar panels are not only a sustainable choice but also a financially sound investment with impressive longevity. 

We’ve seen countless businesses reap the benefits of going solar. However, like any other equipment, solar panels have a lifespan, and knowing when to replace them is crucial for maintaining efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

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Common Challenges With Adopting Commercial Solar Energy Solutions

Monday, July 24th, 2023

One of the many jobs we do for local commercial and industrial businesses is solar panel installation in Naperville, IL, and throughout Chicagoland. We have handled several major solar projects for businesses, but we also handle projects on smaller scales. We can help find a solar solution for your business!

Adopting commercial solar energy doesn’t happen with just a snap of the fingers. There are several challenges to overcome. Thankfully, our slogan at Althoff Industries is “Challenges Accepted!” We’re used to tackling big projects and major challenges, and we overcome them. For all of the challenges below, you can put your trust in our experienced team to help you past them and into the future with solar energy.

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Top Benefits of Solar Installations

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

At Althoff, we take pride in offering an enormous range of commercial and industrial services to our customers. We take on all challenges and offer genuine solutions, not simple fixes. One of our specialties is handling solar installation in Chicago, IL for commercial businesses interested in the enormous benefits of using renewable energy sources. 

If you’re looking into a solar energy installation for your business in Chicagoland, we’d love to speak to you and examine your options. If you have some hesitancy about going with solar power, we understand—it can be a big leap. The potential benefits, however, are enormous. Below are the top benefits you may enjoy from a high-quality solar energy installation from our professionals.

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Maintain Your Commercial Solar Energy System

Monday, April 18th, 2022

Solar energy systems are growing more popular now with businesses than ever before. Illinois has pursued an aggressive solar program with tax credits, leading many businesses to arrange to outfit their buildings with solar. 

This rush to install solar energy has caused several difficulties, however, as many businesses owners who are new to using solar power are running into problems due to poor installation and lack of maintenance. We encourage you to look into solar as an option for your business, but we want you to understand the importance of professional service and regular maintenance—it’s the best way to see that you receive the full benefits of solar energy while keeping your facility safe.

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